19 April 2010

A "not me" Monday

The idea for this came from Mckmama.  It's refreshing to read about the things that another mom wouldn't do and there's plenty of things I don't do...so why not give it a shot!  Sure, Why not. I wouldn't do something like that.

I wouldn't let my child watch a dvd on repeat play when there are so many other things he could be doing that would stimulate his busy little mind.  Even if it is only 20 mins. long and about the only thing that will keep him sitting quietly for any amount of time. And even if the only way to shut up his asking is to turn it on for him again & again, I still wouldn't do it.  Not me, no way.

Speaking of that wonderful petting farm dvd my kid dearly loves that we've seen 95638465212 times, I did not just tell him that he can't watch it again tonight just for the fact that I would rather jab a sharp stick into my eye than have to watch it one more time today.  Even though he loves is so dearly and its by scholastic so its educational, I still wouldn't do that.

I also wouldn't make tasteless healthy muffins for my family from a clean eating cookbook.  But even if I did, I wouldn't let my kid gobble them up and wait until he's not looking to drizzle maple syrup on mine to make it taste better.  That would be deceiving him that I'm eating healthy so he should too, and I wouldn't do that. Nope, not me.

And lastly, I won't be sending my kid to bed tonight without a bath just because I'm too exhausted to let him play in the tub for awhile then chase his naked butt around begging him to finish getting ready for bed.  Even if he took a bath last night, he surely won't have to sacrifice being clean for my tiredness. (I also must mention my husband who could give him a bath, but he's not laying on the couch right now dozing off & yawning as I write this.) That's just not something this loving mom would do, not me!

Weekend Snapshots

The last two weekends around here have been pretty busy.  We've done quite a bit of yard work, taken mower rides and put up a flag pole. We've created with play dough, played at the park, done lots of swinging, grilling, watering, laundry, homework and watching the Scholastic Petting Farm dvd!  Aiden will now bring us the remote, point to the tv and say "moo, moooo."  Which is code for "can I puh-lease watch the petting farm dvd!" Sunday morning we broke the record of times watched in a day with 4 times.  Thank goodness its only a 20 min. movie. Aiden really likes enjoys  loves to be outside! He would much rather be outside exploring than anything else. Well, I think the one thing he would rather do more than spend all day outside is look for BUSES!  The child can't get enough of a good school bus and luckily it seems that everywhere we go we find one, or more! (The school bus driver in our neighborhood even waves whenever he sees out and it just makes Aiden's day.)  Here are some snapshots of the last two weekends...I hope you're enjoying Spring as much as we are!

"Check this out! Mom made a play dough bus for me!"

"Mom's helper"

"It is truly a gift to have a son like you who grows more precious with the years!"

13 April 2010

That's my Boy!

When I walked into the living room one day last week and found Aiden watching TV like this...


And of course, it made me smile. 
That's my boy all curled up in a Cubbies Blanket, by choice!!

The Cubs and Cards both won their home openers last night so all is well here...at least until May 28 and the first Cubs/Cards series begins!  I don't really mind if the Cards are winning (as long as the Cubs are too!) because I know it makes Adam happy...its when they play each other that things tend to get nasty!! We're excited baseball season is here again and we're heading to Wrigley Field in July this year!

What have we done to our child??
He sure does have a tough decision to make!!

P.S Adam is playing ball this year for the hospital team on Ft Leonard Wood...I will try to get some pictures to share of the all-star at some of the games!

12 April 2010

Egg-xtra Special

We were a little late coloring eggs this year, we finally managed to get them done Easter night.  I was thrilled that Aiden would be old enough this year to help and I came across this really great idea to use rubber cement in the process. Yes, Adam did make quite the face when he saw me using it! But did admit when they were done that they looked neat. He's getting pretty good at putting up with my crazy ideas! I got the idea from here.
They didn't turn out as well as I would have liked, but of course I hid the mess ups when I took the pictures! They didn't last long anyway...Aiden also liked helping to take the shells off to turn them into egg salad.
.Here's some pictures of the fun we had.

09 April 2010

Easter Memories

We had such a wonderful Easter this year!  We decided that it was important for Aiden to spend it at home and at our church so Nana  drove down on Friday to spend the weekend with us and Grandma came down Sunday morning.  We were still surrounded by love and felt very blessed to have family to celebrate with.  We couldn't have asked for much more on such a beautiful day.  We ended up with so many pictures but I've made a scrapbook of a few of our favorites. Enjoy!

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Easter Memories

Takin' Notes

A few weeks back after the weather had started warming up, we had a couple of cold days sneak back in.  On a Saturday, we got some freezing rain and some parts of Missouri even got snow.  Adam found something that needed worked on on his truck but decided to wait 'til Sunday so it he wouldn't have to do it outside in the cold.  He told Aiden that he could help him with it the next morning.  But again, on Sunday it was too cold for Aiden to be out.  We found a way to compromise so that Aiden could still see what Daddy was doing in the garage.  Our inside garage door has a large window in it so I set up the step stool where Aiden had a front row seat! It worked out so well for all of us...Daddy could get what he needed done without having Aiden in the way and worrying about him being safe; Aiden could see every move his dad made and didn't have to stay inside and scream at me because he wanted out there; And it kept the little man entertained long enough that I was able to get some stuff done.  I did take a break to snap a couple pictures though!  Aiden is a momma's boy for sure, but the older and more curious he gets the more Daddy is able to teach him and the stronger their bond grows!