31 October 2010

Happy Halloween

...From our haunted house to yours!



We’re looking forward to having some spooky good fun and sweet treats tonight! Here’s some fun from Aiden’s halloween’s past...It’s hard to believe this will be his 3rd!


Hope your night is spook-tacular!
{em & the boys}

28 October 2010

Shutterfly Shout Out

How does 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly Sound? I know, really great right!?!  Today I came across this offer! And you too can enter your blog for the chance to win 50 free holiday cards. It’s easy, I promise, just go here.
Last year I ordered all our Christmas cards and return labels for the envelopes from the Shutterfly website and I was thrilled at how nice they turned out.  I plan on ordering our holiday cards the same way again this year. So imagine how great it would be to win 50 of those cards for free!  Now, the only problem is choosing which ones I want to use!
Im a fan of the flat stationary cards, here’s are a few of my favorites...

And...Since we’re going to have a new address soon I might need to make a few of these...

There’s lots of great products and ideas on the Shutterfly website...Check it out!

27 October 2010

Birthday Wishes

Today is cousin Rachel, our dear niece’s, 5th Birthday!!
Rach, We hope your day is extra special and oh so sweet just like you! We miss you lots and wish we could celebrate with you today. 
Big Hugs Red x.x.x. Aiden, uncle Adam & Aunt Em

19 October 2010

Fall Fun

We were SO ready to welcome Fall here! The hubs was anxious to get out in the woods and start bow hunting season and I was ready for warm sunny days and cool cozy nights with the windows open. As the season changes once again I’m thankful for more outside time with my guys and taking in the fresh air. I’m thankful that we can see the beautiful leaves change colors, that we can feel the cool crisp air on our skin, that we can hear the leaves crunch and the acorns fall, that we can smell the pumpkin bread baking in the oven, and that we can taste the seeds we’ve dried and baked after carving a pumpkin as a family. It is such a blessing that we are all in good health as we are in the season of thanks giving.
For us, it just wouldn’t be fall without a trip to the pumpkin patch. We were really pleased with the pumpkin patch and hay ride we went to last year and looked forward to going back again this year, only to find that the were not selling pumpkins or making any  activities available this year. Luckily, we stumbled across some info about the Rutledge-Wilson Farm Community Park in Springfield and spent a day exploring Harvest Fest.

It was a beautiful day spent with my beautiful little family at this beautiful time of year! Happy Fall!


08 October 2010

Being A Part

I started blogging so that I could share pictures and happenings with my husband during deployment and our family “back home” but surprisingly not too many read it. And that’s fine, I just wish they would remember its there when they feel like I haven’t shared something. It can be difficult sometimes to be apart. We have been blessed with this awesome life that will take us to new places and on new adventures on Uncle Sam’s dime. As we prepare to PCS (or move) again I’m reminded that we will be starting over again. Making new friends, finding our way around, trusting in a new babysitter and all of the other things that come with picking up and moving to an unknown place. But recently I’ve also been reminded that sometimes its not so scary when you’re a part. And by that, I mean a part of something....to me, something special. As much as our families and friends support us, there is still nothing like the support of someone going through the same thing and completely understanding the lifestyle. (Linds, I miss you!) A while back I came across a Military Spouse Blogging Community and started looking around but didn’t think I really fit in because my blog isn’t about my husband being deployed and I don’t have it all decked out in patriotic stuff. But I kept returning, finding that the more looking around I did the more I related with the blogs I was reading.  From time to time, the list of bloggers got a little longer and more of them looked just like documentation of a typical family, more like mine. I decided that I would look into being a part of the community and found that the requirements were easy-peasy! I did what was asked and then waited...I checked back every now and again to see if my name appeared on the list but it seemed that the list kept growing without me there and I began to wonder if maybe my blog wasn’t military-related enough. But today, to my surprise, I checked back and there I am! I smiled feeling that even though we are apart from the ones we love so much we are still a part of something really great. I now can only hope that another military wife will find my blog in the growing list and find something they can relate to. And I also hope that this will be a way to make new a new friend (or a few!) or be able to help out another Mil-Spouse.
It’s days like this that I remember that even though I may be apart from something I love, I can still be a part of something I’m beginning to love more and more with each year we live it. And I smile.
Thank You Household 6 Diva Ann Marie for the wonderful community that you’ve made possible!


06 October 2010

Fun in St Louis

Since we've been living in Missouri we've heard about how great The City Museum in St. Louis is. I researched it way back and WOW! its such an amazing place. However, there's a lot to do there that Aiden wasn't really old enough to enjoy yet. When we found out we would be moving we wanted to make going a priority and even though Aiden wouldn't be able to enjoy all there is to do, he's now old enough to have fun and make it worth going to see. And boy did we see so much! The City really is an amazing place.  We spent hours there and still didn't see everything. THe building used to house an old shoe company and is huge (600,000 sq.ft.)! The website describes it as an eclectic mixture of children's playground, funhouse, surrealistic pavilion, and architectural marvel made out of unique, found objects. (and I couldn't agree more!!) I'm really glad we were able to make it to The City while we lived so close to St Louis. When we headed out that morning we had to come back home after making it halfway because Aiden got sick in the car. (Big thanks to Grandma who was in the back with him trying to control the craziness!) But after returning home to clean everything up and let him rest we found he felt fine and I'm so glad we attempted to make the trip back because we had a fabulous time! We took so many pictures but I narrowed them down to some of the favorites...

By the time we finished up our day at the museum it was time for dinner, so we headed to Fitz's for some yummy old fashioned root beer and burgers. We also got to see the vintage bottling line in operation which happened to be making orange pop at the time.
