08 October 2010

Being A Part

I started blogging so that I could share pictures and happenings with my husband during deployment and our family “back home” but surprisingly not too many read it. And that’s fine, I just wish they would remember its there when they feel like I haven’t shared something. It can be difficult sometimes to be apart. We have been blessed with this awesome life that will take us to new places and on new adventures on Uncle Sam’s dime. As we prepare to PCS (or move) again I’m reminded that we will be starting over again. Making new friends, finding our way around, trusting in a new babysitter and all of the other things that come with picking up and moving to an unknown place. But recently I’ve also been reminded that sometimes its not so scary when you’re a part. And by that, I mean a part of something....to me, something special. As much as our families and friends support us, there is still nothing like the support of someone going through the same thing and completely understanding the lifestyle. (Linds, I miss you!) A while back I came across a Military Spouse Blogging Community and started looking around but didn’t think I really fit in because my blog isn’t about my husband being deployed and I don’t have it all decked out in patriotic stuff. But I kept returning, finding that the more looking around I did the more I related with the blogs I was reading.  From time to time, the list of bloggers got a little longer and more of them looked just like documentation of a typical family, more like mine. I decided that I would look into being a part of the community and found that the requirements were easy-peasy! I did what was asked and then waited...I checked back every now and again to see if my name appeared on the list but it seemed that the list kept growing without me there and I began to wonder if maybe my blog wasn’t military-related enough. But today, to my surprise, I checked back and there I am! I smiled feeling that even though we are apart from the ones we love so much we are still a part of something really great. I now can only hope that another military wife will find my blog in the growing list and find something they can relate to. And I also hope that this will be a way to make new a new friend (or a few!) or be able to help out another Mil-Spouse.
It’s days like this that I remember that even though I may be apart from something I love, I can still be a part of something I’m beginning to love more and more with each year we live it. And I smile.
Thank You Household 6 Diva Ann Marie for the wonderful community that you’ve made possible!



  1. I miss you....can't wait to see you guys again.

  2. You and families like yours are the reason I started this community! Yes, we are all military families - and it can be a wonderful way to meet, interact, and build friendships - but that is not the only thing that DEFINES us! :)

    Thank you for expressing your thoughts so eloquently in this post! I hope others will feel the same sense of community you are describing!

    Ann Marie
