Usually when we go somewhere to get a treat Aiden shares with Adam and I, but I thought I would let him try out having a cone all by himself. He still had some help with keeping it from melting all over the place, but otherwise he did great! It looks yummy, maybe we’ll have to go back to Dairy queen and eat practice some more!
30 June 2010
29 June 2010
Shopping Day
I’m thinking maybe Aiden needs to
spend some more time
spend some more time
with his daddy doing boy things....
Aiden has always seemed to enjoy shopping with me which is a good thing because he’s not quite old enough to do things with daddy yet, like mowing and fishing and hunting. This day Grandma was visiting and we spent the afternoon shopping while Adam went fishing. Some day Aiden will start going with daddy to do things but until then we usually have fun being silly!
P.S. He was not allowed to take my old purse to the mall with him he only carried his pink "man bag" around at home until daddy put it back in the closet where he couldn't find it!
24 June 2010
Out to the Ball Game
Last month we took Aiden to his first baseball game. The Springfield Cardinals were having a military appreciation night and we were able to get free tickets to the game! Adam went to get the tickets and he was able to get 10 - along with a free hot dog coupon with each one! So we headed to Hammons Field in Springfield, Mo and it was a fun night out with good weather and good company!

Aiden and 2 of his fave ladies
We got to see Aaron Miles play since he was still recovering from an injury
We love baseball!!
Sitting like a big guy in his own seat
Hanging out with his buddy Cole
Giving Louie a High Five!
Yay! for baseball!
22 June 2010
My Oh May
May? Long gone! And my oh my its almost July! Guess I better get caught up - Get ready!
The month of May seemed to have slipped by after we returned home from our vacation. While we were in South Carolina, Lindsey and the girls stayed at our house with Rosie and Lilly. We miss Lindsey and I know that Lilly especially misses her BFF's. Here's Aiden hanging out on the couch with out Kris...she thought he was pretty cute in just his undies :)
And then it was time to say see ya later...Aiden helped Lindsey pack her car and program her GPS. Then we all gave one last hug and off she went! We will be seeing both Lindsey and Kris again in August! Yay!
This boy and his dog...they're two of a kind. Kind of like sour patch kids...first they're sour then they're sweet. You never know what you're gonna get with them...we couldn't have gotten Aiden a better dog.
We Celebrated Mother's Day at home and it was wonderful. For most of the day we stayed in our pj's because it was a chilly rainy day. Then when we got a break in the rain the boys took me out to dinner. This is the reason I celebrate this day and the reason I've smiled every day for the past year and a half...
When we got home from dinner the rain was still holding off so we spent some time out in the yard having some fun. We hung our new hummingbird feeder and the boys played in the tree house and on the swing. Rosie even found a toad in some leaves! It was a good day to celebrate being a mom!
We are thrilled at the possibility of having our son like baseball as much as we do. He already likes to watch on t.v. and really likes to play catch. This night he was showing off his All-Star batting skills. If I remember right he even hit a grand slam!!
Aiden also really likes to take rides on the mower. Mommy and Daddy are both ready for the day that he can mow and hopefully by then he's still as excited and willing!
Aiden is also a really good helper at the grocery store...
One night I was going through the closet in our extra room and taking some of it to the attic. As I started setting it by the garage door Aiden began to "help" me with it. In one of the boxes he found his daddy's baby blanket that Great (Aiden's Great-Great) Grandma made. There was still enough love in this blankie for Aiden to get some and he even wrapped it around his head like his dad used to.
And in another box we found one of Adam's outfits from when he was a little guy so we had to let Aiden bring sexy back in this little 80's sweat suit...
Next up for the month of May...Aiden's first baseball game and our day trip to St. Louis. More to come soon!
16 June 2010
East Coast Vacation; Part 4
It’s only taken about a month to do, but I’m finally posting the final part of our spring family vacation on the east coast. Coligny Beach Park was within short walking distance from where we were staying and is where we spent most of our time. At Coligny Beach Park you can find swings, rocking chairs, benches, showers, fountains for the kids, and most importantly sand, sun and the ocean! There are also restaurants and shops nearby which we took a little time to browse through.
On daddy's birthday we had lunch at The Crazy Crab. What a fun place! We got there right as they opened and the place was empty, so Aiden was able to explore a little. He enjoyed looking at all the fish in the very large tank and being greeted by the waving alligator as we walked in. We had wanted to get some fresh seafood while we were in South Carolina and were glad to have found it here! Adam had the steamed seafood pot which included crab legs, shrimp, oysters (in shell!) and corn on the cob. Below you can see his determination as he broke into his oysters. I had a chilled stuffed lobster with shrimp salad on a bed of greens - yum-o! Aiden just had pizza...he hasn't quite become a seafood lover like his parents yet! We left there awfully full and headed back to the beach for the afternoon.
Aiden spent some more time doing what he loved best at the beach...playing in the crashing waves and chasing the birds! We also found a handful of sand dollars that afternoon, a couple crabs and a snail. We had to keep an eye on Aiden as really liked to follow the kite-flying bikini-girl so intently that he didn't even hear us calling his name!
During trips up and down in the elevator we had heard about the alligator that had been spotted in the pond at the hotel. We had to see it to believe it and we did! We were able to see it two days in a row and Adam was brave enough to get right up there and take its picture! At one point, the turtle was right in the gators face and although it didn't seem to mind, we didn't stick around to see what happened...
Later that night, we had cookie sandwiches and IBC rootbeer to celebrate daddy's birthday. during our trip, we also had lots of other fun in our room. Aiden's favorite thing was to talk on the phone so we finally just unplugged it from the wall and let him make all the calls he wanted!
We left South Carolina with so many memories and look forward to heading back east again sometime! I will treasure all the pictures I have shared along with all the ones I didn't want to overload you with for years to come. And now summer is in full swing and we're busy! I will have pictures from the rest of May to share soon!
01 June 2010
East Coast Vacation; Part 3
Here’s some more of our trip to the East coast. While in South Carolina, we went to the red & white striped 90 foot tall Harbour Town Lighthouse Museum..
We even climbed all 114 steps to the top! From the top of the lighthouse you can see the Harbor, the pier, the 18th hold of the Sea Pines Resort golf course and Dafauskie Island. There is a web cam at the top that can be accessed from the lighthouse's website so while we were at the top we called home to Lindsey and she was able to see us wave at her!
Before leaving, we went down onto the pier and the beach and since We were there at sunset and the view was amazing!
Only one more part left of our vacation....Coming soon along with pictures of the fun stuff we've been up to since we got back!
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