20 September 2011

DeCap ReCap2

Here’s another look back at the last few months around here
In May. Aiden and I went to Sesame Street Live put on by the USO especially for military kids.  We were in the second row and for most of the show Aiden was right up at the stagehe doesn’t really ever watch Sesame Street, but he does know who Elmo is and he loved it!

As if we didn’t have enough going on in the last year already, Aiden also underwent a major surgery.  After numerous bouts of sicknesses and being diagnosed with sleep apnea and reactive airway disease, the tonsils and adenoids finally came out.  In true Aiden style he caused a little trouble but handled the whole process exceptionally well with his only major complaint being he couldn’t get out of bed because there was an IV in his foot!  And now, what a relief to have a healthy boy who is growing and developing without restriction!

We started getting a little bit more daylight, about 7 mins a day, back in May as wellIt was difficult to get used to at first but once we did it was amazing!
Here’s 9:30p.m.
And 11:15p.m.

When all the snow finally melted, these showed up in the yard over by the shed
Along with some other signs of Spring!

Much Love~
{and prayers tonight for a sick family member}

14 September 2011

Three is Tough

Ya Gotta Be T O U G H To Be Three!

12 September 2011


We’ve just begun the journey of the fourth year of Aiden’s life. Yes, believe it or not today is the third anniversary of the birth of our s o n.  And what a wonderful, crazy, patience testing journey it’s been so far.

The day we met...

After Aiden's tonsil and adenoidectomy, I began seeing major improvements.  He now speaks and sleeps much, much better.  He is holding steady with his weight and his immune system is much stronger than ever before.  He will see the pediatrician on Wednesday and I am hopeful that they will throw out the reactive airway disease for good.  We are also very close to the potty trained achievement award! Everyday I have so many reasons to be proud of him.

In the three short years of this little guy’s life, he has endured a major cross country move and deployment, along with some other major events.  But he handles them all so wonderfully, he always has had an easy temperament which we are so grateful for.

Year One
Year Two
Year Three

Aiden currently loves:
Rodeo and lassos
Macaroni & Cheese and Chicken Nuggets
The park down the street from our house
Red Robin
Sleeping in Mommy's bed while Daddy's away
Doing things himself and helping


We already celebrated with a couple presents and lunch at Red Robin, but Aiden will also be taking treats to school today.  

Mommy and Daddy L o v e You