Is there anyone there? Is there anyone still checking in on us? If you are...hi! and yes, I'm still here too. If you're wondering...Life happened. That's all! :)
I've been getting some pictures ready to share so they'll be here soon if you haven't already seen most of them on facebook! Today I've gotten a bit lost though...
I'm not one of those people who usually gets lost in a good book, although every once in a while I find one I can't put down, I can more often be found wandering around the internet somewhere. I have a few favorite blogs I follow and like to catch up on regularly but sometimes I come across something new and I get lost exploring it for awhile. Today I stumbled upon Pinterest and I'm wondering how I never knew of it?!? I spent some, ok most, of the little man's nap time enjoying this new place!
Today I also got lost, or caught up rather, with our tv and internet issues. What's more frustrating than having them is that no one knows why we're having them, where they're coming from, or how to fix them! I guess if all else fails, we'll be moving again in 3 years and that will surely fix the problem! Right?
Even after that, I still had time to get lost in making a batch of these with my favorite little helper...
And tackled a little of this...
I think I really needed a day that didn't require a whole lot from me. I feel like we should be completely adjusted to all of the changes we've recently been though, but I also think that by the time we are adjusted something else will come along that will require our patience, strength and adaptability. Tomorrow we'll be trying to get back on track (since after Aiden's surgery) and going back to daycare and work part time for the rest of the week. Aiden's in the tub now and I love to hear him splash and play and be silly...but what I love even more is holding him all cocooned up in a towel when he's finished. So I'm off...
Until next time...Much love!